Certification Process


Registration Process

Counsellors in Aotearoa New Zealand are not state regulated. Rather they have chosen to be registered with Te Rōpū Kaiwhiriwhiri o Aotearoa, NZAC. NZAC is a self-regulated profession that has been recognised by ACC, the Ministry of Social Development, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Justice, Oranga Tamariki, Employee Assistance Programmes, Te Whatu Ora, and Non-Government Organisations. 

Te Rōpū Kaiwhiriwhiri o Aotearoa National Office administers the registration of NZAC counsellors.

Annual Declaration

NZAC requires that a Counsellor be a fit and proper person to be registered and practice as an NZAC Counsellor. Therefore every year NZAC counsellors are required to complete a declaration regarding any complaints, convictions, their fitness to practise, engagement with supervision and attention to ethics.  This must be completed along with approval from the Counsellor’s Supervisor, completion of their Continuing Professional Development and payment of the annual membership fee. 

Annual Practising Certificate (APC)

NZAC Counsellors are required to hold a current practising certificate, this is requested by Counselling funders, employers, and contracts to show the Counsellor is registered to practice as a Counsellor.

Once a Counsellor is registered with NZAC their practising certificate must then be renewed at the start of each financial year (1 April).